viernes, 27 de noviembre de 2009

Rafael Nadal Interview

1.- what is your full name?
2.- when you born? And where?
3.- when did you knew your talent? When did you started play tennis?
4.- is true than you did play football?
5.- what did you happend at age of 17?
6.- what would feel if you be number one?
7.- how did you feel when you won Beijing olimpics in 2008?
8.- how was for you lost versus Murray?
9.- what did you think about juan martin del potro won roger federer?
10.- what did you feel when you won for second time to Fernando gonzalez?
11.- did you was affect when your parents separates?
12.- do you are fall in love?
13.- what did you think about your rivalry with roger federer?
14.- do you have girlfriend? Who is she?
15.- how many Money do you win on tennis?

1.- Rafael Nadal-Parera
2.- 3 june 1986 in Manacor, Mallorca, Spain.
3.- I knew my talent when i was three years old. And i started play tennis the same year.
4.- Yes, but i was better on tennis.
5.- I was ranked in the world's top 50 players.
6.-I felt very well, I always knew.
7.- I felt great, Fernando Gonzalez wasn’t rival for me.
8.- I was angry with my self.
9.- Very happy. I hate Roger Federer.
10.- I felt happy again.
11.- Of course, they are my life.
12.- Yes.
13.- I think thats true.
14.- It is prívate.
15.- It is private, none your bussines .

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